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Musicians Performance Centre is an evolutionary development of the teaching facility I decided to develop when I moved here in December 2009. I have been a professional musician since 1974 as a multikeyboardist, vocalist, brass player, arranger and musical director for progressive rock bands, showbands and entertainment shows for the Canadian Armed Forces in Canada, Europe and the Middle East.I am a classically trained pianist and vocalist and studied French horn and trumpet. With this backround I started teaching piano, voice and trumpet. I also have been performing a Mac MIDI based one man show playing keyboard, trumpet and singing since 1985 which eventually included a 16 channel MIDI lighting system which I perform to this day. Utilizing my MIDI expertise I teach vocals, trumpet and other instruments to MIDI bed tracks of a song chosen by the student. I remix the track turning off the melody and create a stereo audio bed track that the student would record to. I then would email an MP3 of the bed track for them to rehearse to as well as an MP3 of them playing to the track which accelerates their learning process. In the past few years this has expanded to incorporating my stage experience to teach performance. So whether you are a singer, a singer/player, player or any combination in any style including musical theatre I have designed programs to develop skills to get you on stage and have fun! Songwriting development and co-writing has also developed organically from my students and draws from my musical and arranging skills. My 30 plus years of MIDI expertise and engineering recording skills allow me to assist you with your songwriting ideas and concepts and make them happen.